Bob and Art Cary Mowing Hay Aug 9 Written By Jason Cary Bob Cary at 9 years old helping his Dad, Art Cary, mow hay. At 9 years old Bob Cary was driving a very difficult tractor to operate. The steering was almost impossible in sand. He had to brace his leg to engage the clutch which was a lever that he is grabbing in the picture. Jason Cary
Bob and Art Cary Mowing Hay Aug 9 Written By Jason Cary Bob Cary at 9 years old helping his Dad, Art Cary, mow hay. At 9 years old Bob Cary was driving a very difficult tractor to operate. The steering was almost impossible in sand. He had to brace his leg to engage the clutch which was a lever that he is grabbing in the picture. Jason Cary